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Debora Hirsch


Following the protocols of the blockchain which define a space protected from destruction, manipulation, and the passing of time,   I decided to bring nearly extinct plants to life and preserve them within the realms of AI and physical painting.
In my research project, PLANT, endangered species are recorded on the blockchain, granting them an eternal virtual existence and serving as a symbolic memory of what we risk losing.

Plants represent the transitory nature of life and death, but they are also symbols of fertility, prosperity, regeneration, rebirth, and renewal in the cosmic cycle of nature. Mario Peixoto, the author of Limit, considered one of the most significant masterpieces in the history of Brazilian cinema, conveyed that "any human action against nature is useless." The Romans believed that "man may change, but nature remains the same." Although this may hold in the long term over some centuries, biodiversity is far from static and depends on the conjunction and equilibrium of various elements. Unfortunately, biodiversity is experiencing a steep reduction in plant diversity.

In the silent embrace of nature, one discerns not merely a passive message but rather an impassioned plea, akin to a silent scream echoing through the wilderness. It crystallizes into form, sometimes taking on an animalistic guise, only to morph into a haunting semblance of humanity at other times. This enigmatic form leaves the observer utterly baffled as they endeavor to decipher the cryptic language underlying the fractured dialogue between two disparate kingdoms.

Amidst this profound contemplation, the observer is inevitably confronted with the sobering reality of humankind's relentless assault on biodiversity. Across the globe, ecosystems are being pillaged, habitats destroyed, and species driven to the brink of extinction by the heedless actions of humanity. The once vibrant tapestry of life is unraveling before our eyes, with biodiversity severed by the callous hand of exploitation and neglect. As the silent plea of nature echoes ever louder, it serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for humanity to reassess its relationship with the natural world and strive toward a path of restoration and harmony.

Centuries ago, paintings, engravings, and drawings by European artists depicted the New World as an exuberant and seemingly boundless landscape, teeming with life and abundance— and unfortunately also as a wild environment in need of taming, cultivation, and evangelization. Today, if these artists were to revisit the landscapes they once depicted with such awe, they would likely encounter a vastly different scene—one marred by monoculture, aggressive real estate and logging, deforestation, pollution, and the irreversible loss of biodiversity. The striking disparity between past depictions and present realities illustrates the consequences of exploitation and disregard for the natural world.
Above all, agriculture based on global markets generated by gigantic conglomerates favors monocultures. Monocultures represent the main threat to biodiversity and, paradoxically, also to nutrition. More than fifty percent of crops are destined to feed intensive livestock farming. It is crucial to investigate this agrochemical-dependent agriculture, characterized by cultivating a single crop over large expanses that depletes soil health and disrupts natural ecosystems. The damage inflicted by monoculture extends far beyond the immediate agricultural context, affecting broader ecosystems and wildlife. As we navigate the complexities of the agrochemical supply chain, it becomes paramount to encourage sustainable agricultural practices that prioritize biodiversity and mitigate its adverse effects, promoting a more resilient and ecological food production system, while also preserving local cultures, medicinal potential, and high nutritional value.

Species are currently vanishing before we can fully understand their characteristics. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species assessments play a crucial role in providing valuable guidance in establishing protected areas, allocating funds, and influencing conservation decisions. Despite being the most comprehensive source on global extinction risk, the Red List covers only approximately 6% of around eight million plants, fungi, and animals.


My PLANT compositions may include frames, caves, landscapes, forests, architectural details, and monolithic birds that altogether emphasize the complexity of interconnections that belong to ecosystems, evoking the delicate equilibrium and transience of nature.
If any elements of my compositions are eliminated or changed, the entire structure collapses aesthetically, paralleling the fragile equilibrium observed in ecosystems. 

These contexts are not descriptive of the specific plant’s ecosystem. My plants know no borders; they live in imaginary worlds. The plants have a clear and special presence in the composition and high visual relevance as the true protagonists of the scene. I am not aiming for literal interpretations of the selected plant species; these remain as mere references. The plant representations lack seasonal consistency to highlight their most typical and recognizable elements. 

To give a sense of the complexity of natural systems and the interrelation of their parts, I build fragments in my painting style, employing a pre-trained AI model that I fine-tune to my datasets. AI allows me to include a multitude of references and produce practically limitless digital outcomes that I later select to be part of my compositions and animations. 


My decision on which plants to represent hinges upon a range of factors, including available information about their history, cultural relevance, utility, extinction assessment, the cause of their imminent extinction, and above all, their beauty or peculiarity, to make my rendition artistically and aesthetically intriguing. The PLANT collection is open and can be constantly enriched with additional endangered species, ultimately reinforcing the message of the PLANT series about the dramatic range of extinction cases. 

With this project, through beauty and harmony, I aim to bring attention to the loss of biodiversity and valuable ecological resources essential to our physical existence, balance, and spiritual development.


Videocittà 2024, Gazometro, Rome

Interview about PLANT and AI



Tell us about your project. How did you start, and how did you arrive at PLANT?

Although nature has always been a focus of my artistic exploration, a pivotal moment deeply inspired me to study endangered flora, biodiversity threats, and the intricate balances of nature, making it my lifelong pursuit. Ironically, this moment did not occur while immersed in the lush nature of my home country Brazil, but rather while exploring the fresco of the Villa of Livia, now housed in the National Roman Museum—a truly outstanding work of art.
The quality and innovation of this Roman fresco amazed me, particularly in its use of perspective and focus techniques. The fresco creates the feeling of being inside a lush, paradisiacal garden, showcasing many plant species and birds. It challenges seasonal constraints by depicting plants and flowers at their peak. Moreover, it features a rare element for the Roman period, a caged bird. This fresco sparked my curiosity about the species depicted that may no longer exist. 
My background as an engineer has consistently driven me to explore the impact of digital technology on communication and culture. It was probably the convergence of my research into AI tools and coding and my research on the fresco plants that sparked the inception of my PLANT project. This initiative, which integrates AI and blockchain technology, enables the creation of a permanent virtual archive of endangered plant species, preserving the essence of species that may face extinction in the future. It works as a symbolic archive of what we risk losing.
Georgia O'Keeffe once said, "When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so much, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not." 
This quote came to mind because it perfectly encapsulates what I am doing now. Disconnection from nature can lead to a lack of awareness about the vital role that nature may play in our lives. By presenting nature in a way that captures attention, even for a fleeting moment, I want to recreate that sense of wonder and connection.
When I think about the Visions of Hawaii exhibition at the New York Botanical Garden in 2018, I wonder whether visitors to O'Keeffe's exhibition were aware of the degree of danger faced by these landscapes so deeply affiliated with the artist. I wonder how many of these visitors missed the contemporary context, especially if they overlooked the conservation-oriented segments in favor of the more glamorous parts of the exhibition.
O'Keeffe's Hawaiian paintings come from a period when settlers did not appreciate the ecological visions of the Kānaka Maoli, who believed that ancestral spirits often took the form of plants and animals- to perceive all living beings as connected to you enriches your life much more than seeing yourself as a consumer in a world of commodities. Such a philosophy embraces a more sustainable coexistence with nature, in contrast to the exploitative attitude embodied in monoculture agriculture. In the case of Hawaii, we mainly talk about plantations of sugar, papaya, and pineapple.


What challenges did you face at the beginning?

I often ask myself how to avoid having my work appreciated only for its beauty, fine painting, or metaphysical aspects. In PLANT, it was indeed technology that allowed me to convey my message. As I mentioned, I am recreating endangered species in my painting style while using AI, then recording them on the blockchain as a symbolic archive of what we risk losing in the future. AI has allowed me to explore the complexity of natural systems and the interrelationship of their parts. I use a pre-trained AI model that I refined with my datasets, generating digital results that I include in my compositions and animations. 
I do not aim for literal interpretations of the selected plant species; they remain only as references. My plant compositions can include frames, caves, landscapes, architectural details, forests, rocks, and monolithic birds, all elements that highlight the intricate interconnections within ecosystems, evoking the delicate balance and impermanence of nature. 
If elements of my compositions were erased or changed, the entire structure would collapse aesthetically, paralleling the fragile equilibrium observed in ecosystems.
Birds hold significance as messengers, channels between heaven and earth, and symbolize the soul. The representation of plants lacks seasonal coherence to favor their most typical and recognizable elements. The context is not descriptive- my plants know no boundaries. Plants have a prominent presence in the composition and a high visual relevance as the true protagonists of the scene.
My decision on which plants to represent depends on various factors, including the available information on their history, utility, causes for extinction, and especially their beauty or peculiarity, to make my representation artistically and aesthetically intriguing. The collection is intended as an evolving repository of endangered species, reinforcing the central theme of the PLANT series. It embodies a lifelong commitment to ongoing research.


What excites you most about the future of AI in art?

The ability of AI to process and analyze vast amounts of data allows for the creation of artworks that can draw from a multitude of references. Additionally, the results that models can offer are limitless. AI may enable interactive and immersive artistic experiences that engage the audience in new ways.
From a philosophical perspective, the collaboration between AI and artists may require a redefinition of creativity that sparks conversations about the artists' role in the digital age. It forces us to reconsider what it means to create and appreciate art in a world where even machines can be creators. AI in art also involves a transformation of our relationship with the creative act while maybe transcending certain boundaries and limits.


What do you hope AI can do in the future?

AI can surpass its current capabilities to become a true collaborator in the creative process, possessing an intuitive understanding of human emotions and cultural context. Although AI can mimic styles and generate aesthetically pleasing results, it still lacks a deeper understanding of the human experience that underpins truly profound art. I envision an AI with a deep understanding of the artist's intent.
Another aspiration is for AI to facilitate a deeper and more meaningful engagement between art and its audience. We can already create interactive and immersive experiences, adapting in real-time to the audience's emotional and psychological states, analyzing subtle signals like body language, facial expressions, and biometric data to tailor artistic experiences and resonate on a personal level, by creating an intimate and transformative connection with the viewer.


What is one thing that concerns you about the future of AI in art?

The main risk for me is the potential erosion of the human element at the heart of artistic creation and society. Art has always been a profound human endeavor. Depending on future developments, there could be a risk of homogenization. AI systems, even those designed to innovate, operate based on patterns and data. The diversity of artistic expression is vital for the richness of art and could be at risk of being replaced by more uniform outcomes resulting from commands propagated from centralized systems that promote censorship and manipulation.
The intrusion of AI into the creative process could lead to a loss of emotional resonance in art. Human-created art often carries the weight of personal experience, cultural context, unique perspectives, and emotional depth. AI, despite its capabilities, lacks genuine emotions and consciousness and could favor totalitarian views from powerful entities.
However, AI could also be a powerful tool in a world where freedom reigns. By leveraging AI to enhance human creativity, artists can push the boundaries of their work, exploring new techniques and perspectives. This collaboration between human intuition and AI's analytical capabilities can lead to innovative and unexpected forms of expression, ensuring that the core of artistic creation—its emotional and cultural significance—remains intact while expanding the possibilities of what art can be.

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